"Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati
Centenarul Marii Uniri
Ministerul Educației Naționale



 UGAL International Conference

Multidisciplinary HUB for the Higher Education Internationalization
by Means of Innovative Interaction with the Labour Market and Society

 26th-27th of October, 2018




The conference organizers invite oral/virtual and poster presentations in the following conference sections:

S.1. Progress in Science, Engineering and Management of Agriculture and Food Bio-Resources.

S.2. Advanced Research in Naval Technologies.

S.3. Advanced Research in Electronic Engineering and Information Technologies.

S.4. Eco-Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials.

S.5. Advanced Research in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. Advanced Investigation Methods in Environment and Biohealth.

S.6. Advanced Research in Environmental Science and Engineering.

S.7. Advanced Investigation Methods in Medicine and Pharmaceutical Chemistry.

S.8. Economic Models, Management and Strategies of Competitiveness.

S.9. Prospective Views on Higher Education Models. Strategic Cooperation for the Internationalization of Higher Education.

S.10. Economy and Cultural /Business Models in the Global Society.

S.11. Advanced Research Methods in Socio-Humanities.

You can find the invitation here